Saturday, April 25, 2009

Evaluation of a study carrel, of which I've spent my Saturday in...

*Pros of Study Carrel Usage:
-'work mode' much easier to conjure
-right balance of business-like and personal-touch
-access to computer at my convenience

*Cons of Study Carrel Usage:
-computer is F-ing slow.
-tight spatial quarters/soft color scheme akin to mother's womb; naps are encouraged
-I am lonely :(
-Library hours= still terrible

Special thanks to j bolander for access to carrel.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Arts and Crafts!!~~~~

How to make a D. Gresh Sign (Inspired by Sean Ewing)
1)Print out picture provided below
2) Liberally apply tape to back of sign
3) Stick on insides of your dorm's bathroom stalls
4) Enjoy!