Thursday, November 15, 2012

Allegory of the cave

background: i'm having my students do an art project where they re-envision the allegory of the cave in their own way. i wanted to show them an example of a project, so michael and wrote a correspondence poem pretty quickly today. i wrote from the perspective of a woman whose lover left the cave and comes back he wrote from perspective of the lover who left the cave. i hope we do more deez.

(by kim and michael)

When you left for the
edge of dread you
became a monster in the
shape of a man.
A once beautiful mouth
now emitting a mad web
in the shape
of a thought,
and a stream
that smells like
her mouth
and stings my eyes.
You call her Truth—I can’t echolocate
this name stinks of sorrow
and is shaped like nothing.
You see
 and seeing
nothing in this seed
that is our home.
You call this seed now a shell
and you call me a shell in the shape
of a person. 

do you not remember our first shadow
and cool dark gods gliding across our eyes?
reverberating in their unintelligible god-voice
And you, cool eyed and clever, saying
What is this if this is not love?

--That language was a dialect called metaphor. You said, tell me the truth, so I lied. Though even then I could not love you, my eyes so dimmed by the liminal light of darkness unanchored, of transitive verbs, of other women whose names were Truth and Light and Capitalized Indulgence but whose praxes unbinded our hearts before binding them. Wisdom languishes in the reassurance of retrospect. You said: are we there yet? and I, holding you, said: no. It is not darkness which denudes a place of its light. It is time spent in darkness. Having not seen for so long one cannot be expected suddenly to see. But aphaeresis is not negation, does not denude a word of its light, and so only now I can tell you the truth in words which is this: you are beautiful. Like this thing called ocean. Like this thing called metaphor. Like this thing called bird which is not a shadow but casts one, so that even in that darkness I still can think of you.


Thursday, March 29, 2012


A CNF essay I wrote got published in Issue 1 of the Devilfish Review. Checkem out, if you're bored.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


"Florence was the home of Giovanni Boccaccio, born in 1313, author of many works, including The Dacameron, a cycle of a hundred stories supposedly told by a group of ten young people over the course of ten days in a luxurious retreat from the horrors of Florence... . Boccaccio called his work a commedia, which in the parlance of the time meant 'any play or narrative poem in which the main characters manage to avert an impending disaster and have a happy ending'"

Thursday, January 19, 2012

bodies detached from distant
hinges muse over
what the taupe and blue
mid-scale damask
shows once rubbed

the wonder is whether the tuft and husk
prove geomantic or
peel back
to a panel equally


one might imagine the two toying
with buckles
and tongue-thighs,
heavy with something
deep .

call it what you want
in the spine:
a pommel
some last fiber of felt, old
and itching--
a thing not ever,
if honest,

if you are honest
with yourself,

you, whose thoughts remain in words
find no chapel in here

I vocalized eccentricities I wanted you to remember
while I watched you fold paper cranes.